Competition Attempt Sheets

Are you self-coaching for a powerlifting meet?  I have 2 versions of competition attempt sheets available to edit.  The first is for lifters who train with LBS plates and the second is for lifters who train with KGS plates.  The sheet will auto-convert LBS to KGS and vice versa. These sheets give “safe”, “strong”, and “reach” options for all three lifts based on the 1RM you insert for each lift.  Enter the 1RM you are shooting for on competition day, not random training maxes.  The %1RM column is also editable for you to individualize your attempts.  Aim for 5lbs|2.5kgs differences between “safe”, “strong”, and “reach” options.  Lastly, the sheet also includes a section to plan warm ups with LBS to KGS conversion and vice versa.  Files are view only, so save a copy to edit.  Click on image below to get started.


Individualizing RPE Programs


Upper Back Accessories for Powerlifting